Product Data Sheet NZ Safety Data Sheet Australia Safety Data Sheet
Altex Epoxy High Build Surfacer is a two-component new technology high build epoxy surfacer and profiling compound.
AY&B Epoxy High Build Surfacer is designed to fill and profile minor imperfections such as found on epoxy glass lay-ups, sanded epoxy fairing compounds, and repair sites on damaged structures.
The recommended maximum dry film thickness per coat is 0.5mm (500 microns).
Altex Epoxy High Build Surfacer may be applied by spray or squeegee, or a combination of both.
Altex Epoxy High Build Surfacer is suitable for service above and below water however in immersion service a full epoxy barrier system should be applied over the sanded Altex Epoxy High Build Surfacer.
NOTE: Altex Epoxy High Build Surfacer is NOT a fairing compound and should NOT be overbuilt.